Why I FAILED the First Time That I Went Vegan + 4 Tips for SUCCESS

Why I FAILED the First Time That I Went Vegan + 4 Tips for SUCCESS

Some people are able to go vegan overnight but for many others it can be a slower transition. Read about my vegan journey and why I failed the first time that I went vegan. Maybe my story and these 4 steps will help you make a smooth transition.

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Did You Know That These Products May Not be Vegan???

When you first go vegan, it can be incredibly overwhelming. There are so many different aspects to consider. I personally think that starting with changing your food should be the top priority. But once you have conquered that, it may be time to start considering where else animals are used in our everyday products. For today, let's just start with two products that you may not realize aren’t vegan.


The first are razors! Yup, that little thing that you use everyday to shave may actually contain substances from an animal. What?!

I know, it sounds crazy. In addition to being tested on animals, many razors have a moisturizing strip that is made from things like lanolin (from sheep) or glycerin (derived from animals).

There are many vegan razors on the market, but my favorite are Preserve razors. They are vegan, cruelty free and are made from recycled materials.

*I am not affiliated in any way with this company.


The second item that you may not realize isn’t vegan is alcohol (okay, I guess technically this is a food but we will just call it a product for today’s sake).


While I am not a drinker, I was blown away that beer and wine could contain animal products (how is that possible?!).


Honey and dairy are often added to the final product but animals are also used in the filtration system. During filtration, things like isinglass (from fish bladder), gelatin, sea shells and egg whites are used.

“There have also been cases of whole chickens being included in beer. It’s based on ‘cock ale, a 17th century recipe that breweries occasionally recreate in small batches” (barnivore.com).

To ensure that your alcohol is vegan, look for a vegan label. I also recommend visiting the Barnivore liquor guide online.

I hope that this helps make your transition a bit easier and less overwhelming. It is important to take it one step at a time. We will address cosmetics and clothing at a later date.

For now, check out some vegan razors and have a vegan drink (responsibly and only if you are over 21, of course!).

And don’t forget that you can always contact me if you need more support with your vegan journey!

<3, April (Happy Healin’ Vegan)

Let's Talk About Dairy

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a wonderful ThanksLIVING!  We had a wonderful holiday and I am trying to get myself back in gear :)

Today I wanted to discuss something that is near and dear to my heart, and it's also something that most people do not know about.  This subject is dairy!

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I was vegetarian for years and often ate cheese, whey, ice cream, yogurt, and cottage cheese, all while thinking that I wasn't contributing to any animals being harmed or killed.  Unfortunately, I was completely wrong.

The dairy industry does a fantastic job at hiding the truth and telling us that it is perfectly okay to be consuming milk from another species.  In fact, we need it for "strong bones" and "it does a body good".

*Look at these happy cows, surrounded by family, living in green pastures.

*Look at these happy cows, surrounded by family, living in green pastures.

Let me give you a quick summary of what actually happens in order for humans to drink cow (or goat) milk.  First, how do you think a cow produces milk?  Just like other animals, she needs to be pregnant!  The farmer will artificially inseminate a female cow on a device that is often referred to as a "rape rack".  She will be pregnant for 9 months, just like a human, and will give birth to her baby.  As soon as the baby is born, he or she will be ripped away from their mom (they don't want the babies drinking OUR milk) and the mom will cry in agony for days.  If the baby is a boy, he will be killed for veal.  If the baby is a girl, she will be raised as a dairy cow.  All dairy cows will be considered "spent" at about 4-5 years old and will be killed for beef.


In addition to the animal cruelty, the dairy industry has done an incredible job of hiding the harmful effects of dairy on our health.  Dairy has been linked to certain cancers (including breast and prostate), is full of saturated fat, cholesterol and contains PUS.  It has also been linked to asthma, acne, type 2 diabetes, bloating, constipation, and osteoporosis (you read that right!  Because milk is so acidic, it actually depletes calcium from our bones!!!).  Dairy definitely does NOT do a body good!

So next time you are at the grocery store, instead of reaching for dairy milk, just walk over 5 steps and try some plant based options instead.  No animals had to be killed for them, they are better for your health and they are delicious!

For even more information on dairy, please watch Dairy is Scary or What the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

Going vegan doesn’t have to be difficult! Grab my free resource for you below!

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How to Eat Out as a Vegan

Hello everyone!

Since the weekend is approaching, I thought that it would be a great time to discuss how to eat out as a vegan.  Honestly, this was something that I was hesitant about when I first made the transition, but we have found it easier (and more fun!) than ever!

How to eat out as a vegan

First, because I have readers in many different parts of the world, I would recommend downloading the App "Happy Cow" on your phone (you can also pull up their website).  This is a fabulous resource; all you have to do is type in your zip code, and it will tell you all of the vegan restaurants in your area.


Second, I highly recommend studying the menu of the restaurant you will be visiting before you go.  Most places have vegan menus or vegan options.  However, you can also look at the ingredients in meals and stay away from eggs, meat, dairy, cream, gelatin, honey, fish, whey, chicken stock, bone broth, etc.  If you have a difficult time choosing something, don't be afraid to ask your server for help.  You may need to explain what "vegan" is to them, but they should be happy to offer suggestions.  If you aren't comfortable telling them you are vegan, say you are allergic to dairy and eggs.  And, if you get really stuck, stick to the basics like a salad or baked potato (no butter).

Some of our favorite places to dine in or pick up food from are:

*Rubios (nothing like a veggie burrito or veggie bowl.  Stay away from the chipotle cream sauce though)

*Chipotle (we love their Sofritas!  Add those to a burrito or a veggie bowl.  Do not add cheese or sour cream)

*Veggie Grill (enough said!)

*Impossible Burgers are offered at Red Robin, Burger King, Cheesecake Factory

*Carl's Jr. (order the Beyond Burger without cheese or mayo)

*Del Taco (Beyond Meat Tacos without cheese or sour cream)

*On the Border (ask your host/hostess for the "vegan" menu)

*Sushi Lounge (we have found that sushi is incredibly easy to make vegan.  You can order all kinds of vegetable rolls, sushi rice, miso soup, edamame)

*California Homemades (this is for all of my local friends.  They offer a full vegan menu)

*Jimbos (order all kinds of vegan sandwiches and sides from their deli menu daily.  They also have an enormous, salad bar and smoothies)

*Craft and Taco (this is also for my local friends.  They offer a vegan taco menu)

If all else fails, stick with bean burritos at Mexican restaurants, pasta and marinara at Italian restaurants and veggie stir fry at Chinese restaurants.

I hope that helps a little!  Please contact me if you need more assistance.  Also, I would love to hear from you.  Where are your favorite, vegan options for dining or taking out?

Vegan Starter Kit



Surprising Health Benefits of Going Vegan

I originally made the full transition to a vegan diet in 2016 after my dog died.  When I was watching him suffer, I realized that I never wanted to contribute to an animal's suffering for as long as I lived.  I also made the connection that "meat" came from an animal, an animal who was tortured and killed for my five minutes of pleasure.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Although the animals were absolutely enough to keep me vegan for the entirety of my lifetime, I truly love the health benefits of being vegan as well.  I had hoped that I would feel better but some of these benefits were truly unexpected.  My body has completely transformed inside and out.  I will take you through just some of the major health benefits that I have experienced over the last two years.

Lyme Disease Remission: for those of you who haven't been following my blog for long, you may not know that I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2015 (for more information on this please click here). I had awful symptoms including severe leg pain, digestive distress, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, memory loss and fatigue.  I spent $1000's on treatment and at one point was taking over 90 supplements per day.  Within a few months of switching to a vegan diet, almost all of my symptoms disappeared.

Less constipation and bloating:  okay this may seem like TMI, but going to the bathroom is a really important part of our health.  On a diet that consists mostly of animal products, we are not getting the fiber that we need (meat, dairy and eggs contain 0g of fiber!!!!).  This can lead to constipation and bloating.  (Side note: did you know that a healthy person should go to the bathroom 3 times per day?!).  Going vegan definitely helped me with this issue.

No more thyroid pills: just like many people around the world, I was put on thyroid medication at a very young age. I had been taking thyroid medication for 15 years prior to going vegan.  After a year of being (mostly) a whole food plant based vegan, my thyroid had healed itself and my doctor took me off of my medication.  No more of those nagging pills!

Clear skin and strong nails: this one may not seem very important but I am sure that most of us know what it feels like to wake up with a giant pimple on the center of your face!  It can truly halt your confidence and put a damper on your day.  Whenever I would consume dairy, I would almost immediately develop cystic like acne on my face and body.  My skin has cleared up dramatically since being vegan.  In addition, my nails are stronger than ever!!!

Less pain during that time of the month: I can vividly remember the days of curling up in a ball on the floor because my menstrual cramps were trying to kill me!  This would happen every single month and I truly dreaded my period.  Nothing seemed to help including Midol or chocolate.  Although I still get a tiny little cramping, it is nothing like it used to be.

Transitioning to a vegan diet has truly been one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I love the feeling of saving animals, but it has improved my health dramatically, and in only two years.  I cannot wait to see what the future holds and to see how my health will improve from here.  I bet that it will just keep getting better and better <3

Going Vegan | Happy Healin Vegan

I would love to hear from you; what health improvements have you seen from switching to a vegan diet?

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Anonymous for the Voiceless: Why I Volunteer with Them and What We Do

When I first became vegan, I knew that I wanted to do more than just change the food on my plate.  I started researching about the animal agriculture industry and was horrified by the practices that were referred to as "humane", "organic", "free range" and felt the grief and suffering deep in my body.  Honestly, I was completely lost knowing that I wanted to do more.  But what more could I do from my couch then just post on social media about all of the facts that I had found and to scream at people to go vegan?!  Most days, I sat there in tears, feeling completely alone and useless.

Then one day I stumbled upon a Youtube video with James Aspey and he was participating in a peaceful demonstration with a group called Anonymous for the Voiceless. I knew immediately that I had to find a local chapter and to be a public voice for the animals.  Unfortunately, there weren't any chapters that were less than two hours away.

So, I thought that maybe I could start my own.  I jumped on it but before I could finish the process, a wonderful team started a local chapter here in San Diego.  I was so incredibly excited and there was nothing that would stop me from attending.  Almost two years later, the San Diego chapter is still in action and we have an additional chapter in North County San Diego (that I co-organize).

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What is Anonymous for the Voiceless and what do we do?





Basically, in a peaceful demonstration (almost like an art exhibition) we show the truth of the animal agriculture industry.  We show real footage of factory farms and we have thought provoking conversations with the public.  We do not yell and we do not leaflet.

Honestly, there are many forms of activism out there, but for me, this has proved to be the most effective.  I have amazing conversations with people every week who truly had no idea that their "food" was produced this way.  They are angry, feel like they have been lied to, are animal lovers and are ready to make the change.

When leaving what is referred to as the Cube of Truth, the individual will receive a card from us that is full of resources to help them make the transition.


Being part of Anonymous for the Voiceless has truly changed my life.  I absolutely feel that I am making a difference, have met some of my best friends, am surrounded by people who truly get me and am no longer sitting on my couch feeling hopeless.

If you are vegan, and are looking for a way to help the animals, I truly suggest volunteering with your local chapter.  And if you are not vegan, I hope that you will one day be able to experience a Cube of Truth in person.  Maybe we can have a conversation....


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Can one person really make a difference?

Hello everyone, I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.

I spent my Saturday night volunteering with Anonymous for the Voiceless, showing the truth behind factory farming and having peaceful conversations with onlookers (for more information on this, please read my blog post on volunteering).

This was an interesting evening, because we encountered a group of around 300 high school students who were in the area for a convention.  For the most part, the boys turned away or had some nasty comments to make, while the girls completely absorbed themselves in the footage and felt the animals' suffering (this is not a judgment statement against boys and girls, but I do think that at this age, they are completely different with their emotions.  That is a subject for another time...).

During the night, there was one, young girl who totally touched my heart.  She was mainly watching the footage of how dairy cows are treated, how baby cows are taken away from their moms and are killed (footage that I cannot seem to get out of head even today!).  She couldn't stop crying and you could see the pain in her eyes.  She completely got it and was asking questions about how to become vegan.  And then she said something that really startled me, "If I become vegan, what does it matter?  I am only one person!  What difference will it make?"

I think this may be the reason why many people don't change what they are doing, whether it is recycling, going vegan, not using straws, composting, etc.  Can one person really make a difference?!


First of all, imagine if everyone thought like this!  Imagine the people who have made a huge impact (like Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, Oprah!) thinking that there was no point to trying because they were only ONE person.

Second of all, even ONE person who goes vegan can make an impact on this world.  In just one year of being vegan a person can save 365 animals, 10,957 square feet of forest, 16,436 pounds of grain, and 401,766 gallons of water!!!  That is huge!  In addition, if that one vegan encourages 100 other people to go vegan, think of the impact that will have on the planet, their health and the animals who get to live.

ONE person can and WILL absolutely make a difference.  Do not ever sell yourself short because you don't think that what you do matters.  Every action we take has an effect on this planet (good or bad) and we have to choose wisely.

I actually think it's pretty cool that what we choose to feed our bodies can affect so much of this world.  I find it empowering <3

Do you want to see how much of an impact you have made on this planet by being vegan?  Head over to vegan calculator to check your statistics!

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Is it Possible to Get Protein Without Eating Meat?

I always knew that I loved animals and never, ever wanted to eat them.  However, being a personal trainer, I often worried about not getting enough protein as a vegan. I would go a few months without eating meat and then someone would ask me, "But where do you get your protein?!"  I would let my mind convince me that I was dying from a protein deficiency and would start eating chicken again.

Is it Possible to Get Protein Without Eating Meat?

Because eating meat did not align with my morals, I finally took time to do some research and I found that it IS absolutely possible to get protein without eating meat!  And three years later, I am still feeling great and will never go back to eating animal protein again.

Vegan Protein

Here is the good news!  Every food that we eat (minus oils) contains protein, so if you are eating enough calories you will absolutely get enough protein.  And protein from plants doesn't contain all of that yucky stuff that meat does: no saturated fat, no cholesterol, no hormones that increase IGF-1.  Plus, plant protein contains fiber (something that meat doesn't contain at all) and isn't inflammatory!  In addition, plant protein doesn't increase your chances of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, or kidney issues like meat does.  It's an all around WIN!!!!!

***This guy doesn't have to worry about protein...and all he eats is PLANTS!!!!!

***This guy doesn't have to worry about protein...and all he eats is PLANTS!!!!!

So, how much protein does a person need?  The recommendation for adults is 0.4 grams of protein per pound of healthy body weight.  It is absolutely easy to satisfy this need with a plant based diet.  Simply make sure to eat enough calories and to load up on whole plant based foods.  In addition, here are some foods that contain more protein than their plant based friends:

*Black beans: 7.6 grams of protein (per 1/2 cup cooked)

*Garbanzo beans: 7.5 grams of protein (per 1/2 cup cooked)

*Kidney beans: 8.1 grams of protein (per 1/2 cup cooked)

*Lentils: 8.9 grams of protein (per 1/2 cup cooked)

*Seitan: 22.5 grams of protein (3 ounces)

*Tofu: 10-20 grams of protein (firm usually contains more protein but varies from brand                 to brand)

*Peanuts: 8.6 grams of protein (1/4 cup)

*Almonds: 7.3 grams of protein (1/4 cup)

*Quinoa: 4.0 grams of protein (1/2 cup cooked)

*Potato: 4.5 grams of protein (1 baked)

*Peas: 4.5 grams of protein (1/2 cup)

Above are some of my favorite plant-based sources of protein.

Above are some of my favorite plant-based sources of protein.

Other sources include edamame, nuts and seeds, nut milks, plant based protein powders, whole grains and vegetables.

I hope that helps a bit and shows you that it IS absolutely possible and beneficial to get protein without eating meat.

For even more information, I recommend reading Proteinaholic by Garth Davis, M.D.  It is also available on audio book and is absolutely GAME CHANGING!


Have a great day and I would love to hear from you!!!

What is your favorite plant based source for protein??? Leave a comment below.

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Why I Went Vegan and My Tribute to Jake

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are having a wonderful week so far!

I have been in kind of a funk lately, and I realized it was because I was coming up on an anniversary of one of the worst days of my life.  Three years ago yesterday, I lost my best friend and fur baby, Jake.  Jake was the most incredible dog I have ever known and was part of our family for 11 years.  Not only was he part of our family, but was basically a child to us (since we don't have human babies).  He was there when I woke up, went on every trip with us, spent the entire day by my side and snuggled against my stomach all night long.  Jake was never grumpy and was always filled with unconditional love, compassion and the energy of a puppy (until his last week on this planet).

Jake became ill in September 2016.  We had noticed a small lump on his paw, which we were praying was just an infection.  Unfortunately, after many round of antibiotics, it didn't go away and testing came back positive for cancer.  We ended up amputating his toe to try to stop the spread and were initially successful.  All of the margins were clean, and his blood work and X-rays were impeccable.  We had many long months of bandage changes and keeping him calm, but were optimistic about the future.

Right after Thanksgiving, Jake developed a cough that wouldn't go away.  We finally took him into the vet one late Monday night and were praying that maybe it was a cold or even whooping cough.  When the vet came back in with the X-ray results, she just said, "You guys, I am so sorry." Jake's lungs were completely filled with cancer and there was truly nothing we could do.  She said it could be weeks, months or even years but she really didn't know how long he would make it.  Jake was gone by the following Sunday.


What I didn't realize at the time, was that losing Jake would transform the rest of my life. Not only because this was my first real experience with death, but also because he helped me discover my true passion: saving animals and helping people.  You see, when I watched Jake suffer and take his last breath, I realized that I never, ever wanted to contribute to another animal's suffering for as long as I live.  I also realized at that moment that ALL animals want to be loved, feel fear and want life.  There is no difference between a dog, chicken, cow, pig, sheep, fish, cat, horse, donkey, etc.  So why would I fight so badly for one while paying someone to torture and kill another?!  At that moment I became VEGAN and later discovered animal activism.


I will miss Jake every day for the rest of my life, but I am so grateful for the lessons that he taught me.  It's amazing how one, little, 30 pound dog can change your life forever <3. Thank you buddy!

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